Sunday, December 29, 2019

Frogging Fish!

With the excitement and enthusiasm, January 2020, Coastal Wave Shawlette will be the featured pattern at our LYS!  YOU can get started on your project now, and shop on line at Seaside Yarn & Fiber.  When you are in town, be sure to stop by the LYS Seaside Yarn and Fiber, January 2020.

A person unravels a sock blank as they knit the new item. The process of unraveling work is called "frogging" because you "rip it, rip it" as you go along. This sock blank was dyed and stamped with fish by Sarah of Siren Yarn Co. and purchased at Seaside Yarn and Fiber.  Enjoy the process of working the sock blank into the Siren Song Shawlette version of the Coastal Wave Shawlette.

Taking inspiration from our view of the North Oregon Coast, I have developed the Coastal Wave Shawl(ette). If the Coastal Wave Shawl(ette) is knit in a cotton blend, perfect for cool spring and summer evenings. If knit in blended wool, great for the blustery winter.  The shawl(ette) is worked with 2 increases on beginning Right Side. The eyelet will be worked on the Wrong Side, along with 1 decrease, creating an asymmetrical shawl. The wave will be worked on the Wrong Side along with bind-off steps. This might be considered an advance beginner pattern because knowledge of stitch and shawl construction are helpful. The shawl(ette) takes a few evenings or weekends to complete, making the Coastal Wave Shawl(ette) a perfect gift or accessory.

Shawl(ette) finished size: ~450yds/100g 12” depth, 64”wing; blocking: 18”depth, 78” wing
~350yds/100g 11” depth, 60”wing; blocking: 18”depth, 72” wing
Gauge: 5 stitches & 5 ridges = 1” to create loose soft fabric. Adjust needle size.

Materials: Yarn: Cotton or wool blend in fingering weight; ~350 to ~450yards/100grams
Photos: Coastal Wave Shawl(ette) is knit in Siren Yarn Co. Sock Blank; 75% Wool, 25% Nylon
476yards /100g; color: Sea Foam with fish

Needles: Size US#6(4mm), 24” circular needles
Notions: hanging and ring stitch markers, tapestry needle, kitchen/yarn scale

Abbreviations: k = knit       p= purl      Kfb= knit front&back      k2tog=knit 2 stitches together k2togbl= knit 2 stitches together through the back loop       RS=right side      WS=wrong side sts=stitches      S=slip stitch       yo=yarn over      yo2= yarn over twice, drop the second yo in the next round        EBO=elastic bind off

Special Stitches:
Wave (working flat: 18stitches and 10rows make the Wave) (place markers to note 18sts repeats)
Rows 1, 3, 4, 5: Knit
WS Row 6: (k2tog)3times, (yo2, k1)6times, (k2tog)3times
RS Rows 7, 8, 9: Knit
WS Row 10: (k2tog)3times, (yo2, k1)6times, (k2tog)3times
Picot: (Cast on, Bind Off, Cap Sease, p128 variation)
Cast on 2 stitches using the knit cast on as follows: Knit the first stitch, but leave the stitch on the left needle. Rotate the right needle clockwise, insert the tip of the left needle into the stitch from left to right, repeat once more to make the 2 stitches. EBO the 2sts. This creates the Picot.
Elastic Bind Off: (Cast on, Bind Off, Cap Sease, p123 variation)
Kl, * k1, insert left needle into the front of both stitches on right needle from left to right, and k2togbl; repeat from * This will elastic bind-off one stitch.

Directions: (Notes in italic.)
Use a kitchen/yarn scale to adjust row count for the eyelet, large eyelet, and wave.
If working with two 50g coordinating yarns, alternate Color A & B at the beginning of RS rows.

Directions: Cast on 6sts, WS: Knit (Notes in italic.)

Eyelet Rows
RS Rows 1, 3, 5, 7: S1, Kfb, yo, knit to end
WS Rows 2, 4, 6: S1, k2tog, knit to end
WS Row 8: S1, k2tog, * yo, k2tog; repeat from * to last 2sts, k2
Work Eyelet rows 1- 8, total 16 times, or 3/4 yarn remaining. 70sts, ~75grams yarn remaining.
(WS Row 8 stitch counts:10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 70)

Large Eyelet Rows
RS Rows 1, 3, 5: S1, Kfb, yo, knit to end (remember to drop second yo as needed)
WS Rows 2, 4: S1, k2tog, knit to end
WS Row 6: S1, k2tog,* yo2, k2tog; repeat from * to last 2, k2 (if 3sts, k3)
(~450yds)Work Large Eyelet rows 1-6, total 10 times, or 1/2 yarn remaining. 100sts, ~50grams yarn remaining. (WS Row 6 stitch counts:73, 76, 79, 82, 85, 88, 91, 94, 97, 100)
(~350yds)Work Large Eyelet rows 1-6, total 7 times, or 1/2 yarn remaining. 91sts, ~50grams yarn remaining. (WS Row 6 stitch counts:73, 76, 79, 82, 85, 88, 91)

I worked Large Eyelet with options.
Optional: place temporary markers because the decreases continue, therefore the waves will shift.
WS Rows:6, 12, 18:S1, k2tog, (k2tog)3times, (yo2, k1)6times, (k2tog)3times, * yo2, k2tog; repeat from * to last 2, k2 (if 3sts, k3)
WS Rows 24, 30, 36:S1, k2tog, [(k2tog)3times, (yo2, k1)6times, (k2tog)3times]2times, * yo2, k2tog; repeat from * to last 2, k2 (if 3sts, k3)
WS Rows 42, 48, 54:S1, k2tog, [(k2tog)3times, (yo2, k1)6times, (k2tog)3times]3times, * yo2, k2tog; repeat from * to last 2, k2 (if 3sts, k3)
WS Row 60:S1, k2tog, [(k2tog)3times, (yo2, k1)6times, (k2tog)3times] 4times, * yo2, k2tog;
repeat from * to last 2, k2 (if 3sts, k3)

Wave Rows set up: (~350yds: RS Row 1: S1, Kfb, yo, Kfb, knit to end. (94sts))
RS Row 1, 3: S1, Kfb, yo, knit to end (remember to drop second yo as needed)
WS Row 2: Sl, * k18, place marker; repeat from * to end. The first set will have 19sts, the others 18sts, and a few remaining stitches near the end.
WS Row 4: S1, * (k2tog)3times, (yo2, k1)6times, (k2tog)3times; repeat from * to near end, knit to end. If 11+sts remain, (k2tog)3times, (yo2, k1)3times, knit to end. Now, work Wave with bind-off steps.

I placed the beginning of the work into a project bag.
Wave Rows
RS Rows 1, 3, 5: S1, Kfb, yo, knit to end (remember to drop second yo as needed)
WS Row 2, 4: S1, knit to end (Place marker to note additional 18sts repeat.)
WS Row 6: S1, * (k2tog)3times, (yo2, k1)6times, (k2tog)3times; repeat from * to near end, knit to end. If 11+sts remain, (k2tog)3times, (yo2, k1)3times, knit to end.
RS Rows 7, 9: S1, Kfb, yo, knit to end (remember to drop second yo as needed)
WS Row 8: S1, knit to end (Place marker to note additional 18sts repeat.)
WS Row 10: K2togbl, Picot Elastic Bind Off 17sts, * (k2tog)3times, (yo2, k1)6times, (k2tog)3times; repeat from * to near end. If 11+sts remain, (k2tog)3times, (yo2, k1)3times), knit to end
(Leaving wave markers, place hanging markers for Picot Elastic Bind Off on the 6th, 10th, 14h, 18h stitches. Remember to K2togbl, place stitch back on left needle to *Cast on 2 stitches using the knit cast, then EBO 6 stitches, place that stitch back on the left needle; repeat from * to hanging marker. Repeat 4 times, then Picot and EBO just 3sts, leaving 1 stitch to the right of the wave marker.)

Work Wave rows until one (18st) wave and a few stitches remain, Picot Elastic Bind Off.
~450yds WS Row 10stitch counts: 96, 88, 80, 72, 64, 56, 48, 40, 32, 24, final Picot EBO:34sts
~350yds WS Row 10stitch counts: --- 88, 80, 72, 64, 56, 48, 40, 32, 24, final Picot EBO:34sts

Finishing: Weave in the tails. Block loosely.
Finished size: 9" depth, 52" wing
Blocking size: 17" depth, 72" wing
This pattern is available on
Copyright 2019, Marilynn Blacketer. All rights reserved. 12-29-19
For pattern support please contact:
The Coastal Wave Shawl(ette) pdf is available on Ravelry

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